This site is operated by:
Pakker Trousers sp. z o.o.
Our VAT number is PL 5223192217
REGON: 387504686
Poland, Sabały 20 m. 19, Warszawa 02-174
Mailing Address:
Poland, 05-092 Łomianki Dolne,
Brzegowa 11b Str.
You may contact us at the above mentioned address and through the following means:
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Piotr Pakier
I have three daughters, I do Tai Chi and I play in the band Goint with a group of my best mates.
I am passionate about creating the most comfortable garments in the world.

my quest for
the most comfortable trousers
I spent years looking for trousers comfortable and versatile enough to wear around the house, at work and for my lunch break exercise and later, after a long day, to join my friends in a café or for a walk in a countryside. Just as I am, without having to change.
The most comfortable trousers I’ve ever had were my Kung Fu exercise ones. Unfortunately, because of the fabric they were made of, they resembled trekkies and the absence of any pockets made them completely impractical.
So I decided to create my own garment – the best trousers in the world!
I designed the pockets, bought some fabric and commissioned the friends’ workshop to tailor the prototype. And then another one, and another. Eventually, I got invaluable help from a designer Patryk Wojciechowski. He re-designed the trousers so cleverly that while maintaining their original shape he added the rear pockets and improved the general fit and look, so they didn’t resemble sportswear anymore. Then a few more prototypes got made: testing new fabrics and fine-tuning the details. And finally, after a year of improvements and corrections, I give you the finished Pakkers Classic model.
I hope you feel as comfortable wearing them as I do!
You’re invited to my store and let me know what you think!
Piotr Pakier